
The official language of the Journées de Statistique is French. Non-French-speaking authors can present their communication in English, with a summary in French if possible. The validation of the proposals for communications will be carried out by the Program Committee.


Important dates for the conference are available here.

Advice to the authors:

To propose a contribution, you must prepare a "long" text (2 to 6 pages) which will be posted on the congress website. This long text must mention the title of the communication, the author(s), their affiliations and their addresses. In addition to a description (in French if the authors are French-speaking, in English if not) of the communication, it will include a summary in French (if possible), a summary in English, a list of keywords and a bibliography. You will need to file it in PDF format on the submission site using one of the following templates :

Electronic submission is done in three stages. The submitting author is the contact person for this submission. Several submissions are possible with the same account. 

Submission procedure:

The submission procedure contains two main steps:

  1. create a account using the button at the top right of this page OR open your session if you already have an account.
  2. once the session is open, click on "New deposit" in the left sidebar and follow the instructions.

Detailed documentation of the submission procedure is available at this address:


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